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Upgrade your order by grabbing the teacher-favorite Book Clubs in a Box workshop $297 $34 $17

Yes, add the Book Clubs in a Box Workshop to my order!
Special one-time offer, only $297 $34 $17.
You'll get immediate access to my most popular workshop inside the Hub and resources designed to help you implement book clubs alongside your reading curriculum:
- Book Clubs in a Box Workshop Resources, Workbook, and all recordings. ($97 value)
- 3-Hours of PD Certificates
- Exclusive access to editable class period and planning templates ($47 value)
- Bonus: Book Clubs in a Box Immediate Implementation Bundle ($53 value)
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Six complete reading units: realistic fiction, historical fiction, poetry and verse, nonfiction, drama, and dystopian, which include the following elements in each unit:
Daily lesson plans, pacing guides, reference sheets, interactive notebook lessons, keys, and more for each unit ($197 value).
Differentiated example reading responses, exemplars utilizing common texts, and mentor texts to support student understanding ($97 value).
Differentiated and scaffolded lessons to use across grade levels ($97 value).
Teacher favorite printable and digital student reference booklets for literature, nonfiction, poetry, and drama ($87 value).
Reading conference templates: Editable and differentiated reading conference forms + standards checklists ($77 value)
Private Facebook Group to ask questions and collaborate with teachers ($97 value).
BONUS: Reading Curriculum and Pacing Maps for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade ($51 value).
BONUS: The Book Club Blueprint Bundle with forms, schedules, and templates to implement book clubs alongside each unit ($37 value).
BONUS: The Hub EXCLUSIVE Independent Reading Bell Ringers. There is no other way to get these outside the Hub ($37 value).
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Total Value = $1,097
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- 1xMiddle School Reading Achievement Curriculum$77-+
- The Book Clubs in a Box Workshop$17
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- Middle School Reading Achievement Curriculum$0
- The Book Clubs in a Box Workshop$17
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
- Total
- Future payments
- $77
- Discount$0
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- Sales tax$0
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$0 - Today's payment:
$0 - Today's payment
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